Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER)

Chandigarh, India

Hospital Lead:
Dr. Mandeep Dhillon
Total Enrollment:
The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (or PGIMER) is a medical and research institution located in Chandigarh, India. It has educational, medical research and training facilities for its students.

The founders of the institute are Tulsi Das, Santokh Singh Anand, P N Chuttani, B N Aikat, Sant Ram Dhall and Bala Krishna. PGIMER was conceived and planned in 1960 to provide physical and intellectual milieu for young scientists working in multiple disciplines of medicine, to advance the frontiers of knowledge, to render humane service to the sick and suffering, and to train medical and paramedical manpower in Chandigarh. The Institute was established in 1962 under the erstwhile state of Punjab. It was declared as an Institute of National Importance by an Act of Parliament (Sr. No. 51 of 1966) w.e.f. 1 April 1967.

Dr. Mandeep Dhillon

Site Principal Investigator

Dr. Sarvdeep Singh Dhatt

Site Co-PI